Red Duiker
Red Duiker

Average Mass:
15 kg (33 lb)

Average Shoulder Height:
43 cm (17")

Rowland Ward:
6.35 cm (2 1/2")

8 Points

Red Duiker Spoor

Track: 41mm (1 5/8") x 25mm (1 ")

Red Duiker

This species occurs from southern Tanzania , Malawi and Mozambique to Natal ( South Africa ) (Wilson & Reeder, 1993); Swaziland , Zambia and possibly Zimbabwe have been added in accordance with East (1996). Its distribution map was acquired from Kingdon (1997) and then updated to match the country maps in East (1988) and East (1989) as indicated by Dr. R. East (23 June '97). The final map is shown in Fig, where a void area in Mozambique and Tanzania has been retained as uncertain.

Categorical-discrete (CD) distribution model

The species inhabits mountain and coastal forests and thickets; it also occurs in riverine forests (East, 1988; 1989).